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We make the impossible possible

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We make the impossible possible

Oferim servicii specializate în domeniul fertilității, chirurgiei reconstructive și a diagnosticului prenatal, incluzând fertilizare in vitro (FIV, ICSI, IMSI), sling TOT, amniocenteză, CVS sau cordocenteză.

30 years experience

With our vast experience and team of assisted reproduction specialists, we are ready to provide you with the most advanced medical solutions to solve your infertility problems.

Last generation treatments

The Department of Endoscopic Surgery is the reference center for minimally invasive surgery in Romania, scoring heavily in the treatment of endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

In vitro fertilization

At Genesys Fertility, we offer a wide range of personalized infertility treatments tailored to each patient's needs and situation.

Success rate

Exceptional performance in treating high-risk diagnoses of complexity in gynecological pathology, recurrent miscarriages, high-risk pregnancy and 99.99% in prenatal diagnosis.

Our team


Obstetrics - GynecologyDaniel Tutunaru

Doctor of Medicine, Primary Care Physician with expertise in Assisted Human Reproduction, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Obstetrical and Gynecological Ultrasound


Obstetrics - GynecologyAntoaneta Budu

Primary care physician with expertise in assisted human reproduction, laparoscopy and obstetric and gynecological ultrasound


Obstetrics - GynecologyFlorina Olteiu

Primary care physician with expertise in assisted human reproduction, laparoscopy and obstetric and gynecological ultrasound


Obstetrics - GynecologyCiprian Morariu

Medical specialist with competence in assisted human reproduction, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and obstetric and gynecological ultrasound


Obstetrics - GynecologyIkram Chelki

Specialist doctor with competence in laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and obstetric and gynecological ultrasound


Obstetrics - GynecologyMona Zvanca

Primary care physician with expertise in Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Obstetrical and Gynecological Ultrasound.


Obstetrics - GynecologyAndronescu Lara

Medical specialist with competence in assisted human reproduction, laparoscopy and obstetric and gynecological ultrasound


Medical specialistRadu Voicu

Medical specialist


UrologySebastian Voinea

Primary care physician with expertise in microsurgery


NutritionRuxandra Pleșea

Medic specialist diabet, nutriție și boli metabolice


UrologyCristian Gagiu

Medic primar cu competență în microchirurgie și ecografie urologică


Anesthesia intensive careCodruț Gatita

Medic primar


Doctor & Principal BiologistMioara Matei

Biolog principal, acreditat de Societatea Română de Embriologie și certificat de către ESHRE 


ORLYasser Aboudan

Dr. Yasser Aboudan utilizeaza cele mai noi tehnici chirurgicale pentru a trata diferitele afectiuni specifice ORL


Breast ultrasonographyAida Mihailovici

Dr. Aida Mihailovici este Medic Specialist Radiologie, Imagistică și tomografie computerizată. Cu o vastă experiență în radiologie mamară, în ultimii 15 ani a efectuat exclusiv ecografie mamară și mamografie.